Situated on the magical Cheakamus River, Paradise Trails is an approved 82-home eco-village in Squamish, BC.
Designed around 6.5 km of public trails and a 10-acre horse riding center, including an indoor ring, Paradise Trails will contribute to Squamish's reputation as Canada's Outdoor Adventure Capital.
Ecological Single Family Housing
82 family-sized homes, with space and zoning for secondary housing on each lot. Built on land previously cleared for a golf course.
Public Horse Riding
Our equestrian community is equipped with 6.5km of community horse riding trails, a 10 acre public horse riding center and $40,000 of youth equestrian grants.
$4 million of community benefits
This community brings road and bridge upgrades, a contribution to the Squamish affordable housing fund, and an offer to twin and raise the Bailey Bridge.
Fire Protection
A proposed volunteer firehall, complete with a truck and equipment and offer to build and connect fire hydrants down Midnight Way.